Just thought I'd give you a headsup on what we've been doing lately. Here's a recent family photo for your enjoyment.
Dad and the boys have been hard at work on our *new-to-us house* and are making it look soooo beautiful. :) When we move in, I will try to post before and after pictures!
In the beginning(or middle?) of August I developed carpal tunnel and tennis elbow from my violin playing so haven't been able to play since then...God must have something else for me to do right now, I can only figure. Hopefully, Lord willing, I will be able to pick up the violin again sometime this month. Or next.
Mum and I have been researching healthier eating habits and I'll try to post something on that too. We've been trying to cut out most meat, sugar, and processed foods.
Oh, and we made a HUGE book order which I am really excited about :) Books ordered include ones by Martin Luther, George Meuller, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Saint Augustine, R.C. Sproul, and some fiction by A.A.Milne, Sir Arthur Conan Dyle, Baroness Orczy, and Charles Dickens, to name a few!
So anyway, there's some random news about our family.
God's blessings and peace!
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